The £14.8 million Resilient Coastal Communities and Seas Programme (ReCCS) brings together communities, industry, government and non-government bodies with universities to understand and boost the resilience of coastal communities and seas in all four nations of the UK.

Project Partners

The ReCCS programme is funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), enabling:
- Four ReCCS projects that focus on a specific resilience theme and collectively span the breadth of the UK’s coastlines:
- Arise
- Transects
- The COAST-R Network+ to coordinate their activity, provide mentoring, training and sharing of best practice, as well as steering a flexible fund for community-led coastal and marine resilience projects.

Working with communities and stakeholders across the UK, the Coast-R Network+ and ReCCS-funded projects will:
- transform understanding of UK coastal communities and seas
- enable transformative decision-making in collaboration with local communities.
The programme will establish a coordinated network of academics, policymakers and local stakeholders that will improve the health and wellbeing of UK coastal communities and seas.
To read the press release about the Resilient Coastal Communities and Seas Programme, visit the UKRI website.